Charity GuidePoint

Charity GuidePoint, developed by Soristic, is a research tool that quantitatively analyses the financial health of all the Institutions of Public Character (IPCs) in Singapore. It can serve as an analytical tool for charities to gain insights on the health of your organisation relative to your peers. It also supports donors to shortlist charities based on their unique giving preference and values.

Analysis is available at multiple levels that allow users to choose their desired reference:
●         Individual Charity
●         All Charities
●         Sector – Cause (across the 7 sectors in Singapore)
●         Charity Size (small, medium, large)
●         Charity Size & Sector (e.g. medium size charities within Arts & Heritage)
●         Peer – to – Peer (peer Comparison with selected peers)

Users can generate analytical reports. Currently 20 over metrics from three broad categories ( a. Income Composition, b. Expenditure Composition, c. Sustainability and Other) are made available out of close to 100 metrics that we have calculated. This first iteration is focused on financial health and other categories of data will be added in future phases.

Charities can sign up for a free account to access the analytical report of your charity via the platform – A sample of the report is as below. Customised report is available upon request.