3 August 2023 – Human Library (Online) | Part 1

Human Library EDM

Unlock the treasure trove of wisdom and life experiences as we present an extraordinary opportunity to hear from our Distinguished Guests at our Human Library event! Join us for an enriching and enlightening experience that will leave you inspired and empowered.

👵👴 Your Personal Encounters with Living Libraries:

Our Human Library proudly showcases a diverse array of people, each one a living book brimming with invaluable insights and experiences to share with you on

a) Navigating setbacks

b) Managing challenges in mental well being

c) Balancing passion and livelihood.

Take advantage of this unique chance to engage in genuine conversations with these remarkable individuals and engage in meaningful conversations with them

📅 Event Details:

Date: 3rd August 2023

Time: 6.30pm – 8.00pm

Location: Zoom

Admission: Open to All – Come with Curiosity!

Speakers for 3rd August Zoom

Speaker A: Rajendran

  • Rajendran is a trained teacher with over 27 years of teaching experience in junior colleges, schools, private institutions and universities. Rajendran will be sharing the story of the iron rice bowl to link with the importance of keeping oneself equipped with the necessary skills as one moves over time. Sharpening of one’s skills’ sets is important as the tide and time does not wait for anyone.


Speaker B: Michelle Lee

  • Michelle is the founder and CEO of Singapore’s social enterprise I’m Soul Inc and a Coralus Activator. Michellewill be sharing how I’m Soul Inc utilizes music to help reduce stress, loneliness, isolation, for better health and happiness.


Don’t miss this golden opportunity and tap into the deep wells of knowledge that our speakerspossess. Spread the word and bring your friends and family to share in this enlightening experience. Let’s celebrate the beauty of learning from our elders at the Human Library!

Check out our 17th August Human Library @ The Red Box here: https://bit.ly/3Yc3BxQ

#HumanLibrary #LivingLibrary #EmbraceWisdom #PassingDownKnowledge