17 August 2023 – Human Library (Physical) | Part 2

Unlock the treasure trove of wisdom and life experiences as we present an extraordinary opportunity to hear from our Distinguished Guests at our Human Library event! Join us for an enriching and enlightening experience that will leave you inspired and empowered.

👵👴 Your Personal Encounters with Living Libraries:

Our Human Library proudly showcases a diverse array of people, each one a living book brimming with invaluable insights and experiences to share with you on

a) Navigating setbacks

b) Managing challenges in mental well being

c) Balancing passion and livelihood.

Take advantage of this unique chance to engage in genuine conversations with these remarkable individuals and engage in meaningful conversations with them

📅 Event Details:

Date: 17th August 2023

Time: 4.00pm – 6.00pm

Location: The Red Box @ Somerset MRT

Admission: Open to All – Come with Curiosity!

Speakers for 17th August

Speaker A: Rasid

  • Rasid has worked as an audio visual engineer for over 40 years in the same organization and has extended his expertise through volunteering for overseas causes by assisting in setting up audio visual equipment for various schools. Today, he is equally busy supporting his community as a Resident’s Committee Chairman in his neighbourhood and being a devoted grandfather to 5 little ones. Rasid will be sharing his story on overcoming limited educational opportunities in his youth, continuous learning and upskilling to progress in one’s career. His passion for his family, his career and now his community; and his love for keeping fit has kept him feeling and looking 71 years young.


Speaker B: Yohanna

  • Former Straits Times journalist Yohanna Abdullah, 56, is a versatile writer of more than 30 years. The programme executive at a mental wellnes organization is an author of five books on mental health published by the organisation between 2014 to 2020. A Sociology (Honours) graduate from the National University of Singapore, she wrote the biography of former Minister of Social Affairs Mr. Othman Wok, ‘Never in My Wildest Dreams’ (2000). She published a well-received novel, ‘Islands of Mania’ (2021). The mother of two young adults provided the original story for ‘Bonda’ (2018) a telemovie on Suria which won a Gold Award at the World Media Festival in Hamburg, Germany and a Best Actress Award (Bronze) in the New York Film Festival. Yohanna wrote seven television series on Suria and Astro while managing her editorial and design consultancy. She penned an acclaimed play, ‘Naked’ (2015, 2017, 2020) staged by Teater Kami. Most of her best creative works are inspired by her adventures with mania since being diagnosed with Bipolar (Type1) in 1998. She has been a vocal mental health advocate since 2012.


Speaker C: Yen- Lu Chow

  • Yen-Lu Chow will trace his journey as a scientist & engineer, Apple Distinguished Technologist, entrepreneur, venture capitalist & angel investor, mentor & advisor to start-ups and government – to become a mental wellbeing champion, a social innovator, philanthropist & humanist, and seeker of truth. He shares the three defining moments of his life, his inspirations, successes and failures, lessons learned along the way, his own “awakening” – how he (and wife Yee Ling) were able to turn their heart-shattering family tragedy into a gift and movement to change the world for the better by planting more seeds of happiness, healing, transformation, and wellbeing in others and the world.


Don’t miss this golden opportunity and tap into the deep wells of knowledge that our speakerspossess. Spread the word and bring your friends and family to share in this enlightening experience. Let’s celebrate the beauty of learning from our elders at the Human Library!

Check out our 3rd August Human Library @ Zoom here: https://bit.ly/3q2W8UY

#HumanLibrary #LivingLibrary #EmbraceWisdom #PassingDownKnowledge