15 January 2021 – Insights on How Donors are Evaluating Organisation and Project Grant Proposal


Location: Online

Time: 9:30 am5:30 pm

Learn international best practices to improve your organisation and project grant proposal.

About this Event
Increasingly donors are looking for impactful and well governed charities to give . The workshop will examine various frameworks used by international charity rating platform eg ImpactMatters, Charity Navigator, Guidestars to evaluate/rank charities using publicly available data. It will also examine the evaluation process and framework used by grantmakers including private foundations and community foundations to determine grantees.

Charities can understand what specifically matters to these donors in the different criteria and assess where their organisations stand in these criteria to look for ways to improve themselves. For example, they will learn what are the best practices for governance and transparency and work on the organisation changes and public disclosures needed to be considered a well governed and transparent organisation. They would also understand what grantmakers are looking for in project proposal and potentially improve their programming to achieve high quality and sustainable programmes desired by grantmakers.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

1. Introduction to the principles of various giving strategies being used worldwide to select causes and charities

2. Discussion on the relevance, strengths and weaknesses of each strategy for your giving

3. Learn the various frameworks used by international charity rating platform e.g. ImpactMatters, Charity Navigator, GuideStar to evaluate/rank charities using publicly available data

4. Learn the evaluation process and framework used by some grantmakers including private foundations

5. Get insights on the best practices under each evaluation criteria e.g. financial, operational, transparency, governance

Trainer Profile:

1) Pauline Tan is the principal consultant in Soristic Impact Collective. She has been a consultant for funders and non-profits and has also conducted a number of philanthropy related research. Her co-authored philanthropy related publications include

• Philanthropic Foundations in Asia – Insights from Singapore, Myanmar and Chia

• Impact Investments by Foundations in Singapore and Hong Kong

• Philanthropy on the road to Nationhood in Singapore

• Innovation in Asian Philanthropy

She was also part of the team that set up an information portal for giving circles in Asia. Besides philanthropy research, she conducts social sector research on topics including mental health, poverty, social enterprise, early childhood and microfinance.

She has also conducted evaluation for organisations (e.g. Civil Service College, Helpage Asia, National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre, Community Foundation of Singapore) in Singapore and the Southeast Asia region as well as developed Social Value/Outcome Frameworks for funders to measure the social values/outcomes of their grantees. Between 2012 and 2014, she was responsible for evaluating and shortlisting charities for the Charity Governance Award in Singapore.

2) A Senior Consultant with Soristic Impact Collective, Dr Thye Yoke Pean is a social entrepreneur. She co-founded WISE – WASH in Southeast Asia, a regional non-profit organisation active in Indonesia, Cambodia and Singapore focusing on water, sanitation and hygiene, and is actively involved with Engineering Good, a local charity focusing on assistive technologies for persons with disabilities. For her PhD dissertation with the Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, she worked on a Gates Foundation-funded project to understand barriers to product innovation in the post-disaster emergency sanitation sector, for which she graduated cum laude. Yoke Pean commitment to social impact and innovation has been recognised at the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Summit Innovation Slam (5th place, 2018), British Council Alumni Awards (Regional Finalist for Social Impact, 2017/18), and UNLEASH Innovation Lab (Bronze, Water Theme, 2017). She has consulted on projects commissioned by international funders and conducted several evaluations across Southeast Asia, and has designed and delivered training to a wide range of audiences on topics related to project design, research, design thinking, and making. Yoke Pean completed her Master of Engineering (first class) at Imperial College and has published in more than 20 international journals and conferences.