21 June 2019 – The Invisible Heart (Social Impact Bonds – Delivering Greater Impact through Innovative Financing)

Location: BLOCK71

Time: Various Timings

The Invisible Heart” Film Screening

Ever wonder what happens when private capital is brought into the realm of social services? “The Invisible Heart” (2018) explores the effectiveness and unintended consequences of using social impact bonds (“SIBs”) to tackle some of society’s most complex social problems. SIBs have been touted as a new way to improve lives while delivering financial returns but amidst all the hype, how do they measure up?

Join us for the film screening and post-film panel discussion on 21 June 2019!

Film Screening Details:
2:00 pm to 3:15 pm – Screening of “The Invisible Heart
3:15 pm to 4:15 pm – Post-film panel discussion
4:15 pm to 4:45 pm – Tea break (food and drinks provided) and networking


1. Kevin Tan, Founder of Tri-Sector Associates
2. Madhav Shrihari Aney, Associate Professor of Economics, Singapore Management University
3. Tham Jie Rong, Deputy Director, raiSE

SIB Workshop by Soristic

For those interested to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of an SIB, Soristic will be conducting a workshop titled “The Nuts & Bolts of SIBs“, that will provide participants with insights from case studies across Asia on the morning of the film screening.

Workshop Details:
9:30 am to 12:00 pm – “The Nuts & Bolts of SIBs” by Soristic
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm – Lunch break (lunch not provided)

Overall Event Objectives

Through this event, Soristic aims to:

  1. Deepen key stakeholders’ understanding of SIBs;
  2. Encourage cross-sector stakeholders to evaluate the implications of SIBs on their work;
  3. Contribute to the development of best practices in the delivery of social services and in social financing models; and
  4. Increase awareness and discussion about SIBs amongst social sector professionals, investors and the general public.

Get your tickets at https://tinyurl.com/soristicSIBevent today! [registration is now closed]

For more information, please visit www.soristic.asia or e-mail connect@soristic.asia. Discounted rates are offered to students and charities.

This is a project supported by the LearnSG Seed Fund – Every Day, A Learning Day (learnnow.sg/seedfund).